Padre Foundation

Padre Foundation

The PADRE Foundation was founded in 1985 as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization designed to support the needs of Southern California children and adolescents living with Type 1 diabetes and their families through a program of diabetes health EDUCATION, support groups and events. It was founded by a group of parents who recognized the need in Orange County, Calif., for education, resources and support for families who have children living with diabetes.

Today, PADRE serves more than 2,400 pediatric patients annually throughout the greater Southern California area. As an independent nonprofit organization, PADRE is dedicated to serving the community through its free diabetes self-care and SUPPORT programs. These programs are designed to improve diabetes self-management, which positively affects the health outcomes of youth participants, and teaches valuable coping skills, which ultimately strengthen the family function.

Most of us on the board have either a son or daughter living with Type 1 diabetes, and we know firsthand what a positive impact PADRE has in the lives of our children and their families. Although PADRE has reached many families, we know there are many more out there who need this AMAZING organization.

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