Chrissy Teigen Opens Up About Her Battle With Postpartum Depression

I honestly didn't think Chrissy Teigen could get any more real and honest with us - she's the queen of real-ness already! 

But now she's opening up with her battle with postpartum depression and I so admire her for talking about something painful she is going through, and letting people see another side of Chrissy we don't often see.

We all probably thought we knew Chrissy personally with how much of her personal life she shares with us on social media, but this is just another lesson on how social media doesn't truly represent our lives. Chrissy, John and Luna are a super happy family in general, but obviously some of the lows aren't exactly showcased to the public.

In Glamour Chrissy talks about not wanting to leave the house and questioning why she felt so bad all the time.

"Getting out of bed to get to set on time was painful. My lower back throbbed; my shoulders—even my wrists—hurt. I didn't have an appetite... I would go two days without a bite of food, and you know how big of a deal food is for me." 

Chrissy admits there was a point that she just didn't leave the house, "not even a tiptoe," and that she couldn't get herself upstairs to go to bed. To the point where John would sleep downstairs on the couch with her.

Thankfully, Chrissy went to the doctor and they all realized together what was going on. 

"My doctor pulled out a book and started listing symptoms. And I was like, 'Yep, yep, yep.' I got my diagnosis: postpartum depression and anxiety. (The anxiety explains some of my physical symptoms.)" 

After getting her diagnosis, Chrissy says what helped was being able to tell people what was going on and to talk about it. While she doesn't owe any of us in the public an explanation, she felt she needed to. And that the only way to explain it and say was to just SAY it.

I can only imagine how nervous she was to announce this to the world, but WOW, Chrissy, you stun us all with your amazing honesty and willingness to be real and we thank you for opening up about such a difficult topic.

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